Denne 2-dages workshop, er det naturlige næste skridt for dem der har deltaget i vores T-SQL intro workshop og ønsker at få en bedre indsigt i T-SQL sproget på Microsoft SQL Server.
Workshoppen er relevant for alle der arbejder med T-SQL, uanset om det er tale om Azure SQL eller on-premises SQL Server.
Det primære fokus ligger på den del af T-SQL, der er relevant for data analytikere og BI udviklere.
Der vil være stort fokus på hands-on og øvelser undervejs.
- Grundlæggende data forståelse og erfaring med T-SQL.
- Egen laptop med SQL Server Management Studio installeret.
Kursus agenda
Modul 1: Introduction to SQL Server and T-SQL
- History of T-SQL
- Strengths and weaknesses of T-SQL
- Tables and datatypes
- Data modeling and keys
- Query Optimizer
Modul 2: SELECT statement
- urpose of SELECT statement
- Structure of SELECT statement
- Evaluation execution sequence
- Common funktions
- IN, Subqueries, CTE and temp tables
- Grouping and aggregations (including HAVING clause)
- Windowing functions
- Aggregations and partitioning
Modul 3: SELECT on multiple tables
- Joins in general
- Type of joins
- Table Constraints
- Primary keys, Foreign keys and others
Modul 4: Transaactions
- Reasons for using transactions
- Batch execution of code
- Transaction control statements
- Errror handlig, XACT_ABORT
- Procedure sp_who2
- Blockings and running states
Modul 5: Indexing
- Purpose of indexing
- Understanding execution plans
- Measurements and baseline (SET STATISTICS TIME, IO)
- Types of indexes
- Heap, Clustered, Non-clustered, Columnstore and others
- Properties of indexes
- Unique, Columns, Include, Filtered
- Developing an index strategy
- Searched columns and foreign keys
- Exploring background processes
- Batch mode
- Intelligent Query Processing
- Compression
Modul 6: Query patterns
- Formatting SQL queries
- Techniques for minimizing data retrieval volume
- Let the optimizer do the work
- Think procedural
- Use of cursors?
- Joining on compatible data types
- Functions (don’t kill the optimizer)
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