Kurset henvender sig til analytikere, controllere og andre der ønsker mere kendskab til de nye Self-Service Business Intelligence muligheder der findes med Power BI. Vi kommer hele vejen rundt: Fra rå data til analytisk rapportering!
Der vil være stort fokus på hands-on og øvelser undervejs.
- Medbring egen laptop med nyeste version af Power BI Desktop installeret
Kursus agenda:
Module 1: Power BI Overview
- Short history – what is Power BI ?
- Power BI components
- The roadmap and future
- Power BI Desktop UI
Module 2: Delivery of Power BI
- Business Intelligence Investments
- Business-Led Self-Service BI
- IT-Managed Self-Service BI
- Enterprise BI
Module 3: Data Mashup
- Discover data
- Import data
- Basic clean, transform and reshape
- The M language
- Query folding
Module 4: Data modelling
- Dimensional Modeling best practices
- Tables and relationships
- Formatting and sorting
- DAX basics – operators and syntax
- Calculated Columns
- Calculated Measures
- Date table
- User hierarchies
- Grouping and binning
Module 5: Data visualizing
- Building Reports
- Configuring visuals
- Built-in Charts and Graphs
- Slicers and filters
- Formatting visuals
- Interactions
- Layout and Themes
- Custom visuals
Module 6: Distribution and collaboration
- Publish Datasets and Reports
- Create Reports and pin to Dashboards
- Refresh data – Data Gateway
- Content Workflow – Share within organization
- Power BI for mobile
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