3-dages kursus med fokus alle aspekter af at bygge og vedligeholde en Power BI løsning. Hele vejen rundt med Rapportering, Modellering, Data Mashup, Levering og Administration.
Kurset henvender sig til analytikere, controllere og andre der ønsker mere kendskab til rapport mulighederne med Power BI. Der vil være stort fokus på hands-on og øvelser undervejs. Efter dette kursus har du det komplette overblik.
- Medbring egen laptop med nyeste version af Power BI Desktop installeret
Dag 1:
Basis og overblik. Fra data til rapport.
Module 1: Power BI Overview
- Short history – what is Power BI ?
- Power BI components
- The roadmap and future
- Power BI Desktop UI
Module 2: Delivery of Power BI
- Business Intelligence Investments
- Business-Led Self-Service BI
- IT-Managed Self-Service BI
- Enterprise BI
- Connecting to a data model
Module 3: Built-in Charts and Graphs
- Configuring visuals
- Bar, columns and line
- Cards and KPI
- Matrix and tables
- Pie, Donut and Gauge
- Maps and Geospatial visuals
Module 4: Slicers and filters
- List / dropdown
- Date, between / relative
- Search in slicers
- Sync between pages
- Background filters
Module 5: Formatting visuals
- Labels and legends
- Colors
- Conditional
- Axis
Module 6: Report level measures
- Implicit vs. explicit measures
- Quick measures
- Introduction to DAX
- Setup simple measures
Module 7: Power BI service
- Publish reports
- Dashboard vs Report
- Create Reports and pin to Dashboards
- Connect to on-premises / Data Gateway
Dag 2
Transformation, modellering og DAX
Module 8: Basic data mashup
- Introduction
- Discover data
- Import data
- Basic clean, transform and reshape
- Dimensional Modeling best practices
- Data refresh and storage modes
Module 9: Power Query Transformations
- Column and Row Operations
- Table Transformations
- Text Transformations
- Numeric Transformations
- Date and time Transformations
- Query operations
Module 10: Power Query Editor
- Power Query Formula Language
- Learning M syntax
- M built-in functions
- Data types, Lists, Records, and tables in M
- Parameterised Queries
- Query folding
Module 11: Data modelling
- Tables and relationships
- Date table
- Formatting and sorting
- Grouping and binning
- User hierarchies
- Row Level Security with roles
Module 12: DAX 101
- Introduction to DAX
- Aggregate Functions
- Logical Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- Date and Time Functions
- Using variables
- DAX evaluation Contexts
- Calculate Function
Module 13: Common Challenges with DAX
- Time intelligence
- Percentage of All and Parent
- Moving Average
- Running Total
- Parent-Child Hierarchies
Dag 3
Design, visualisering, levering og administration.
Module 14: Basic design principles
- Minimize distraction
- Gestalt principles
- Group and create patterns
- Tell a story
Module 15: Report interactions
- Interactions between visuals
- Drill down / up
- Drillthrough pages
- Bookmarks and selection pane
- Report Page Tooltips
- Exporting / showing detail data
Module 16: Layout
- Page size
- Background image
- Alignment of objects
- Setting borders and titles
- Format painter
- Web / mobile
Module 17: Themes
- Predefined default values
- Themes gallery
- Color Theme Generator
- JSON format
Module 18: Custom visuals
- Build your own visual
- Download from store
- Organizational approved
- Useful and recommendations
Module 19: Power BI distribution
- Share within organization
- Content workflow
- Workspaces in Power BI; Dev Environment
- Power BI Apps; User Environment
- Power BI for mobile
Module 20: Administration and governance
- Power BI Admin Portal
- Governance options
- Data Refresh
- Gateways: Enterprise and personal
- Architecture
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